February 19, 2009

Rudy Rucker

There's a new interview with Rudy Rucker up at the Self-Publishing Review. And this site's becoming a kind of overgrown Twitter account. Speaking of which: @selfpubreview.

February 12, 2009

Interview with Tessa Dick, Philip K. Dick's Last Wife

I interviewed Tessa Dick for the Self-Publishing Review. Awesomely cool that she contacted the site and awesomely strange she self-published.

Soon enough I'm going to finish my Philip K. Dick-inspired novel. Yes, soon.

Update: Most amazingly, this interview has made the

L.A. Times
The Guardian
The New York Times

February 5, 2009

Tuesday Shorts

I've been interviewed on Tuesday Shorts. Check it out. My response to this interview here.

February 1, 2009

So Long

I wrote this a while ago, before "All Apologies" came out, which it resembles, but I wrote the lyrics last week. If you're following along, I recently got separated, which means only seeing my daughter every other week. I woke up in the middle of night the night after she left for the week humming lyrics to this song - a song which I hadn't thought about in a while. So I have new fodder for all my old incomplete songs.

So Long - Ash Tree

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