February 21, 2007

New Edition

Not quite the fanfare of this post, but I put out a new edition of my novel. Finally put quotes on the back and a publisher’s logo:

NOS Cover

Can’t quite read what it says there but it says:

“A page-turner and an example of an effective piece of storytelling that should be envied." Dogmatika

“Successful both as a suspenseful, engrossing thriller and as something more: a savage satire on aspects of modern American life in the vein of DeLillo‘s White Noise.” Compulsive Reader

"The best Hollywood novel I've ever read, including my own." Richard Rushfield, author of On Spec

“A satirical, yet eerily naturalistic L.A. fable.” Kim Cooper, 1947 Project

Winner of the Hollywood Book Festival Grand Prize

Order it here.

February 20, 2007

Out in the Woods

Finished a song. This took me forever. Never experimented with sounds like in this song before. And it’s getting increasingly hard to play drums with my fingers (middle part) on the drum machine. I dream of getting one of these:


Or these:


But we don’t have the space for it. I’m happy with how the song turned out.

Out in the Woods

February 16, 2007

Talk Radio

I was interviewed on Blog Talk Radio. Also check out Taking Over the Web.

February 12, 2007


Good post in the Guardian about the underground U.K. lit scene. Better than anything happening in America. They’ve been a lot friendlier to me, anyway. But what the hell’s with all the question marks on my comment???

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