April 26, 2007


hugh grant

Michael stopped. He stared at the group who were paused with eyes wide, an expression like they were waiting for him to break or fly. He shouldn’t have said anything – he knew this – but he didn’t, he couldn’t, stop:

“Am I tired of being famous? When I look at you people I get real tired of being famous.”

A flash of a camera and a FREEZE FRAME. Imagine a movie: Michael Sennet’s face caught in a demonic pause – I get real tired of being famous – hair that’s usually pressed and straight is sticking to his sweaty forehead, eyes wide and swirling with a kind of anxious anger, hand made into a fist but he can’t swing it because that would only make things worse, so the feeling of that fist flows through his blood and stays there.


Anonymous said...

Bestselling Author's Secrets for Writing Scenes


Here's the first of 12 tips for fiction writers from bestselling author Bonnie Hearn Hill on how to create, link and focus better scenes. Be sure you've added yourself as a friend to receive Bonnie's next important step.


The Big Twelve

Once you learn to create and link focused scenes, you will be well on your way to writing marketable fiction. Keep this list close to your computer to guide you through the process.

Tip 1. Who is the point-of-view character for this scene?

Note that every scene should be told through a point-of-view character, although you can have more than one POV character in a book (but no more than you need). One reason for this focusing is so that we feel the character struggle with a scene goal. The struggle takes place through action and dialogue with little internalization/exposition.

A scene is a dramatic unit that includes scene goal, conflict (through action and dialogue) and resolution.

Be sure to check out Bonnie's online classes in Authorlink's Virtual Classroom at www.authorlink.com/classroom/classroom.php

Doris Booth

Editor-in-Chief Authorlink.com

Manager, Authorlink Literary Group


(972) 650-1986



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