July 16, 2008


Writing going well. Not much more to say than that. While listening to: Afro Blue - John Coltrane

Also got the check for my car from the insurance company today, which allows me to breathe. Had to shell out a lot of money to move into this place, a larger security deposit than most. But I love the place. Wood floors. Found nice furniture cheap, an entire bedroom set for a girl for all of $200. The move, aside from the car accident, which had its own disguised blessing, had a lot of hints that it was the right thing to do. I’d lost some of my faith that I could will things to be better. Getting diagnosed with a worsening illness was a real fucking insult: you’ve worked very hard, in your life, on your marriage, for your daughter, and here’s your reward. Depressed me horribly around wintertime. But it’s also given me some perspective on what matters, brought back some of my urgency. And the move went in such a way that I’ve felt somewhat taken care of, no matter what’s happening, which is something that I’d pretty devoutly lost.


Anonymous said...


I just bumped into your blog by accident, but you've got a incredible voice. Have you checked out FieldReport yet? I think you would do well there. It's like American Idol but for writers. Every month the site gives away $1,000 prizes in each of 21 true-life categories. Unlike American Idol, on FR the community picks the winners using an objective ranking system.

It's really quite new and gaining a foothold with bloggers and other people who like reading and writing true life stories. I think you'd love it.


Anonymous said...


I just bumped into your blog by accident, but you've got a incredible voice. Have you checked out FieldReport yet? I think you would do well there. It's like American Idol but for writers. Every month the site gives away $1,000 prizes in each of 21 true-life categories. Unlike American Idol, on FR the community picks the winners using an objective ranking system.

January 1st, the FieldReport community will award a grand prize of $250,000! Pretty exciting!

Anyway, it's really quite new but it's gaining a foothold with bloggers and other people who like reading and writing true life stories. I think you'd love it.


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