April 14, 2007


A nice review of North of Sunset by a new POD reviewer, PODler. Since my agent’s not sending the novel out anymore, I’m trying to promote it again. Took some time off from sending the book out. The new edition of the book is out to a bunch of reviewers.

I also reread the book for the first time in a year. I was scared of looking at it again. But I needed to see if it’s still something I want people to read, something that represents me. I was glad to like it. There’s some stuff I’d change, but nothing that makes me want to hurt myself. So, you know, buy it.


Cheryl Hagedorn said...

I've just sent off my book to PODler. What can you tell me about the experience? Are there other reviewers (specific to POD) that you might recommend?

Henry Baum said...

Podler and Pod Critic are the best. Check out the list on IUniverse Book Reviews. My comment on that post links to some other good places.

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