September 30, 2006
Received this in the mail yesterday. I haven’t received too many review copies in my time, but I’m really excited about this one. Seems synchronicitous given where my head’s been. This wasn’t a man who was afraid to be open. It might just teach me something. I’ll write about it again when I’ve read it.
September 29, 2006
Dear World/Come on, Peace
I finished something. Another layering of guitar song, for the rock opera/concept record. Dark, but then the end of the world is dark. Two songs together, with some Soufjan Stevens-style cultish singing at the end.
Two ways to hear it:
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Dear World/Come on, Peace
Two ways to hear it:
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Dear World/Come on, Peace
To Blog
More epiphanies last night. A lot, strangely, had to do with this blog. My ego’s really tied up in it. In a way it’s a lot easier to work on a novel or story. With a blog you’re writing and then posting it five minutes later. With a novel, you live with it for a long time. By the time you get to 150, you might change page 5. You get used to what you’re expressing. With an article or story, you might have an editor who takes some of the blame if the story’s not well-received. With a blog, it’s just me against the world. A lot of the time I think, what the fuck did I just write? I think way too much about what other people think, these strangers whose faces I’ve never even seen.
I’ve written as much here before. I’ve stopped the blog because I thought I invested too much energy in it. I think because I have a number of cyber relationships with people, that I’m conversing with the world through this blog, I’m less inspired to meet real live people. I have this tether to the computer. It takes away from the time and energy I have to work on fiction. It takes way more of my will to write this blog than it should.
There’s also a lot that I can’t write about, personal stuff and so I end up writing these philosophical posts trying to seem impressive. Man, I hated this blog last night. I was trying to reconcile how much of my ego goes into this blog and fiction. Buddhist thought talks about separating from the ego and I’ve always wondered how this is reconciled with artists who are 100% ego, trying to create something that makes their ego unique—even if we’re all connected. I don’t really have an answer.
I’d love to write about my wife who’s one of the best bloggers out there, but she writes some stuff that she doesn’t want everyone reading. We’ve been through some really hard times in the past few years and I’ve written about almost none of it. Maybe this could be like a political or litblog, writing about stuff out in the world without getting too personal. But that’s not really my style.
Even this entry makes me nervous. This is better suited to a personal journal. I mean, shit, do I really want to be that naked? I counter it by saying people aren’t that invested—they’ll read a couple of paragraphs, maybe, and then move on. But I’m invested, so that’s what matters. Sometime in my distant past made me continually judge the shit out of myself. I’m not sure what it was.
I was in Paris listening to John Coltrane with a friend of mine. It was a 1965 concert with Eric Dolphy, when he got a lot more dissonant. My friend said to me, “No one should be that naked,” and turned it off. I thought, immediately, that was wrong, even though this guy was a mentor, taught me a lot about music, what it is to be a writer. To create anything you do have to be that naked, you have to get down to everything. Then I think I’m trying to prove something again—show people, here’s a guy who lived in Paris, who listens to Coltrane, who writes, ain’t he grand? I need to own what I know along with my opinions.
I doubt I’ll kill the blog. I never do. If writing comes from someplace honest, it doesn’t exactly matter what’s expressed. Or if someone doesn’t like it. So that’s what this entry’s about.
I’ve written as much here before. I’ve stopped the blog because I thought I invested too much energy in it. I think because I have a number of cyber relationships with people, that I’m conversing with the world through this blog, I’m less inspired to meet real live people. I have this tether to the computer. It takes away from the time and energy I have to work on fiction. It takes way more of my will to write this blog than it should.
There’s also a lot that I can’t write about, personal stuff and so I end up writing these philosophical posts trying to seem impressive. Man, I hated this blog last night. I was trying to reconcile how much of my ego goes into this blog and fiction. Buddhist thought talks about separating from the ego and I’ve always wondered how this is reconciled with artists who are 100% ego, trying to create something that makes their ego unique—even if we’re all connected. I don’t really have an answer.
I’d love to write about my wife who’s one of the best bloggers out there, but she writes some stuff that she doesn’t want everyone reading. We’ve been through some really hard times in the past few years and I’ve written about almost none of it. Maybe this could be like a political or litblog, writing about stuff out in the world without getting too personal. But that’s not really my style.
Even this entry makes me nervous. This is better suited to a personal journal. I mean, shit, do I really want to be that naked? I counter it by saying people aren’t that invested—they’ll read a couple of paragraphs, maybe, and then move on. But I’m invested, so that’s what matters. Sometime in my distant past made me continually judge the shit out of myself. I’m not sure what it was.
I was in Paris listening to John Coltrane with a friend of mine. It was a 1965 concert with Eric Dolphy, when he got a lot more dissonant. My friend said to me, “No one should be that naked,” and turned it off. I thought, immediately, that was wrong, even though this guy was a mentor, taught me a lot about music, what it is to be a writer. To create anything you do have to be that naked, you have to get down to everything. Then I think I’m trying to prove something again—show people, here’s a guy who lived in Paris, who listens to Coltrane, who writes, ain’t he grand? I need to own what I know along with my opinions.
I doubt I’ll kill the blog. I never do. If writing comes from someplace honest, it doesn’t exactly matter what’s expressed. Or if someone doesn’t like it. So that’s what this entry’s about.
The Forge of God
I was going to write a bad review of the book, but then I thought what’s the point. I enjoyed it, it went fast, but it wasn’t what I was looking for. The reviews on the back say things like it has a “depth of characterization” rare for a science fiction novel. Just writing, “He had a bad childhood. He never got along with his father” (not actually in the book) does not make depth of characterization. Really, this is a page turner like other page turners—very good at doing that but it doesn’t uncover anything about people that you haven’t read before.
The story is about an alien civilization that comes to destroy the human race, with another alien race trying to save it. Meanwhile, the President is losing his mind and thinks it’s the Book of Revelations come to life. Exactly up my alley and I feared for a second that it’s already the novel I want to write. It covers some similar territory, but it stays on the President’s insanity for around 20 pages and then drops it.
Bestseller writing gets too cheap for me. There’s this part in Richard Price’s Freedomland, another thinking man’s bestseller, where they’re looking for a dead kid and they have to go by an abandoned mental hospital overrun with howling stray cats. Pretty chilling and suspenseful but also cheap. At every turn, even if the character’s just getting milk out of the refrigerator, you’re wondering, “Oh no, is there going to be any milk in the refrigerator???” Makes you turn the page, every second is suspenseful. Which is good and makes you keep reading but it counters the “depth of characterization” by creating a world of suspense that does not actually exist. It has nothing to do with how people interact with each other.
Still, calls bullshit all those arguments about what makes “good” literature. This isn’t good literature as people talk about it but it’s still useful, a good read, and it’s much more intelligent than a lot of science fiction out there. I’ve read some bad books about UFOs. I have two more end of the world books coming my way: Alas, Babylon and Earth Abides.
Philip K. Dick never wrote such an obvious page-turner, and he’s basically the only science fiction writer who’s books I keep reading. I’ve also been reading the Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick. He talks a lot about characterization—bringing it to science fiction. The man was a genius. I don’t mean to speak hyperbole, he was. People who can’t read his science fiction—they can’t read about precogs, life on other planets, hovering satellites, and the like without glazing over—might get him if they read this book. It’s like a manifesto for science fiction. I’m halfway through—haven’t gotten to his Exegesis passages.
Amazing that at the time of A Scanner Darkly being released, he was broke. His electricity had been shut off the week before. At the same time, he was supporting himself entirely by writing novels, so he had that going for him. Here’s a brief interview with him. Haven’t seen much footage of him. I have yet to see the movie, but I want to as soon as it comes to DVD.
September 28, 2006
Brave Men Run
I’ve been in touch with Matt Selznick and we traded books. I finished Brave Men Run last night.
A great read, a real page turner. This is not an insult: it should be a TV show or movie. That’s been leveled at North of Sunset once or twice. People say they like it but also say, “I kept thinking: movie” which is sort of like saying it’s not weighty enough to be a novel. But…I thought the same thing when reading BMR: geeks with superpowers, how superpowers set some people apart from others, would make a good movie or TV show. It reads at that kind of pace. It should get bought by a young adult publisher, but that might be insulting too. Shouldn’t be a problem, they teach Catcher in the Rye in high school. This book could be a bestseller.
A great read, a real page turner. This is not an insult: it should be a TV show or movie. That’s been leveled at North of Sunset once or twice. People say they like it but also say, “I kept thinking: movie” which is sort of like saying it’s not weighty enough to be a novel. But…I thought the same thing when reading BMR: geeks with superpowers, how superpowers set some people apart from others, would make a good movie or TV show. It reads at that kind of pace. It should get bought by a young adult publisher, but that might be insulting too. Shouldn’t be a problem, they teach Catcher in the Rye in high school. This book could be a bestseller.
At Posthuman Blues, Mac Tonnies links to a provocative You Tube interview with Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. I started this as a comment and then started going off…I like what he says about atheism not being able to be proven. Atheism is really another kind of fundamentalism. Agnosticism is healthier. Really, his point of view is dogmatic—as is every point of view. Until he’s tried every psychedelic or set foot on Jupiter, or died, he can’t have a complete idea of the nature of God. He’s after truth, he wants people to believe in the “real world.” What on earth is the “real world”? I wish people didn’t believe in myths as truth either, but the alternative—science is the only truth—is equally one-dimensional. This is an old argument. The “real world” of science as we know it today is not truth—it’s grounded in perceivable, provable reality, but it is only half the story. Human senses can only perceive so much. More scientific principles are being discovered all the time, meaning today’s truth is tomorrow’s myth. All that said, this world would be a hell of a lot healthier without the belief in God that many people currently hold.
Like most people who are against God he equates God and religion and they’re separate. Because religion is so backwards (see last post) God doesn’t exist. Because stories in the Bible (Noah’s flood, Moses floating upstream as a baby) have occurred in older Mesopotamian texts, it may discount the Bible’s accuracy, but it still speaks of a mythic archetype—there’s some reason, beyond plagiarism, why these specific myths are repeated. It is curious—and scary—that so many religions mention Armageddon, having been developed completely independently. It speaks of Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy—all myths and religions are describing the same thing, in a myriad of different ways, but they’re getting at a fundamental truth. Science isn’t the only answer—it’s one part of the equation. As it stands, science is another type of religion—something people believe in too absolutely. Basically, Dawkins is a materialist who thinks everything originates in the brain, it’s all chemistry. Maybe he’d feel differently if he took some DMT. I haven’t, but damn it sounds interesting.
In other news, I haven’t written about politics in a while. Isn’t Bush an unpopular President? Would it be so hard for Democrats to oppose the torture amendment? It will not make them look weak on terrorism. This makes them look weak to fight anything. People hate Bush and what he’s doing. The Intelligence community is against him. Generals are against him. The U.N. is against him. But he still gets his bill for people with “bad ideas” to be detained indefinitely with no proof. Fuck the political process. It’s run by half people. I recently quoted this to someone who’s pro-right in the face of terrorism--from The Sun Also Rises, also the epigraph to Bright Lights, Big City. It describes what’s going on in this country:
“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”
The cover of the book gives new meaning to that epigraph.
Like most people who are against God he equates God and religion and they’re separate. Because religion is so backwards (see last post) God doesn’t exist. Because stories in the Bible (Noah’s flood, Moses floating upstream as a baby) have occurred in older Mesopotamian texts, it may discount the Bible’s accuracy, but it still speaks of a mythic archetype—there’s some reason, beyond plagiarism, why these specific myths are repeated. It is curious—and scary—that so many religions mention Armageddon, having been developed completely independently. It speaks of Huxley’s Perennial Philosophy—all myths and religions are describing the same thing, in a myriad of different ways, but they’re getting at a fundamental truth. Science isn’t the only answer—it’s one part of the equation. As it stands, science is another type of religion—something people believe in too absolutely. Basically, Dawkins is a materialist who thinks everything originates in the brain, it’s all chemistry. Maybe he’d feel differently if he took some DMT. I haven’t, but damn it sounds interesting.
In other news, I haven’t written about politics in a while. Isn’t Bush an unpopular President? Would it be so hard for Democrats to oppose the torture amendment? It will not make them look weak on terrorism. This makes them look weak to fight anything. People hate Bush and what he’s doing. The Intelligence community is against him. Generals are against him. The U.N. is against him. But he still gets his bill for people with “bad ideas” to be detained indefinitely with no proof. Fuck the political process. It’s run by half people. I recently quoted this to someone who’s pro-right in the face of terrorism--from The Sun Also Rises, also the epigraph to Bright Lights, Big City. It describes what’s going on in this country:
“How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked.
“Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.”
The cover of the book gives new meaning to that epigraph.
September 27, 2006
If you didn’t think religion was weird enough—today I found a flier on the sidewalk on my walk to pick up my daughter with the words, “Repentance and charity can be better accomplished by using money instead of a slaughtered chicken.” I live in an orthodox Jewish neighborhood. Here’s what the flier is referring to: slaughtering chickens for Yom Kippur:
While many modern Jews consider the practice barbaric, some Jewish communities in eastern Europe and abroad observe the ritual of kapparot. A chicken is slain by a rabbi, then the owner of the chicken takes it by the legs and swings it around over his head, while reciting a prayer to God that all his sins during the year be transferred to the chicken.
Guided by Voices
I saw this last night. Inspired me to want to pick up the guitar again. He’s written 5000 songs. I’ve written maybe a tenth of that. I haven’t turned on my recorder in two months. I need to finish my songs. Maybe if I advertise it here I’ll hold myself to it.
I saw GBV in Paris once and they sort of bugged me. Screaming to the audience, “Stella Artois is some good fucking beer!” Robert Pollard spinning his microphone like Robert Plant, living the rockstar dream. This was after Mag Earwig came out, not my favorite record. Too big and Foo-fighters sounding. Same thing live maybe. They lose their boombox charm. He’s a real outsider songwriter—living in Dayton, surrounded by people who don’t seem to give one shit about indie rock. Which means he’s authentic as they come, even with the British accent. Somehow all those songs come out of him. Some people just get hit with involuntary talent.
September 26, 2006
Book Reviews
I figured I’d group my book reviews together so they don’t get lost to the archives.
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland
Demons by John Shirley
A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates by Blake Bailey
Tortilla Curtain by T. Coraghessen Boyle
Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick by Frederic Raphael
Chronicles by Bob Dylan
Digging the Vein/Hating Olivia by Tony O’Neill/by Mark SaFranko
Dope by Sara Gran
Wrecking Crew by John Albert
futureproof by N. Frank Daniels
Beautiful Blemish by Kevin Sampsell
Mop Men by Alan Emmins
Prisoner of X by Allan MacDonell
2012 by Daniel Pinchbeck
The Woman Chaser by Charles Willeford
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Plot Against America by Philip Roth
Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland
Demons by John Shirley
A Tragic Honesty: The Life and Work of Richard Yates by Blake Bailey
Tortilla Curtain by T. Coraghessen Boyle
Eyes Wide Open: A Memoir of Stanley Kubrick by Frederic Raphael
Chronicles by Bob Dylan
Digging the Vein/Hating Olivia by Tony O’Neill/by Mark SaFranko
Dope by Sara Gran
Wrecking Crew by John Albert
futureproof by N. Frank Daniels
Beautiful Blemish by Kevin Sampsell
Mop Men by Alan Emmins
Prisoner of X by Allan MacDonell
2012 by Daniel Pinchbeck
The Woman Chaser by Charles Willeford
The Road by Cormac McCarthy
September 25, 2006
I smoked pot for the first time in like ten years last night. It was fun! I’ve had a weird attitude towards pot. When I was fifteen I smoked a whole lot of it. My best friend’s mom let us smoke pot in the house. We smoked with her. An intimidating, burnt-out old hippie woman. My friend eventually lost it after a bad acid trip. He saw coyotes in Temescal Canyon—they must have told him to lose his mind.
It was, overall, a bad experience smoking pot in those days. I wasn’t enough of a bronze, Southern California surfer hippie to be comfortable in that scene. Too pale and neurotic. At the tail end of it, my friend said to me, raining, on the balcony, “You know, I’m anti-semitic...Oh, I guess that would bother you.” I just wasn’t one of them. Pretty sad and formative. I discovered punk rock soon after and declared myself straight edge.
Cut to around ten years later. Hanging out with my friend in Boston. I knew him in Minneapolis, we lived in the same house, played music together, worked at the same restaurant. He’s a character in my first novel, Dishwasher. He’d become a total pot-head, painted a marijuana leaf on the back of his jacket. Irony was dead in him. “What have you been doing with yourself the past couple of years?” I asked. “I don’t remember,” he replied. We recorded some songs—I played drums and he sang and played songs I wrote. I had just started writing songs, wasn’t comfortable singing on my own. We also took mushrooms, but he started lecturing me about revolution and it got boring.
In his apartment, him and his roommates passed around the bong. J. took a big hit and sucked out all the smoke. “That’s a beautiful hit,” his friend said. The bong came to me. I sucked up barely any of it. They looked embarrassed and kind of annoyed. I failed. I smoked too much pot and was literally convulsing.
Since then, I’ve stayed away from it. It seems to call attention to all the terrible stuff between people, in yourself—all the doubt, all the awkward moments. I realized last night I’ve never smoked pot with people who sincerely like or get me. My wife does. I still felt some of the self-doubt, but it wasn’t so bad—more instructive. I said to myself, yes, you fuck up, everybody does, just do better. I didn’t spend all of my time brooding about my problems, but given my history with smoking pot, this was a major leap forward.
I’ve been reading the book, Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves by Clifford Pickover. In the book there’s a Terence McKenna quote which says something like: too much artificial light is curbing people’s imaginations. Which means I've got to get away from the computer. This is what I thought last night: TV and computer screens are causing people to see in two-dimensions, only the immediate world around them. This is how it is for me. I spend so much time repressing regrettable things from my life that I repress other people’s concerns as well. Last night, I saw in three dimensions, saw life from other people’s eyes. This is just pot, mind you, not LSD or something else. But I took it to heart.
Part of me wanted to write down what I was thinking while I was stoned, and I did write some stuff down, but mostly I just wanted to BE, something I don’t do a whole lot. I’m glad I don’t fear this stuff anymore. Realized how uptight and unhappy I’ve been and seemed for a long while, running away and not relaxing. Weird thing is despite my bad experiences smoking pot, it turns out I’ve got a lot of hippie in me.
Here’s one thing I wrote down, really amusing at the time. I was ripped:
The bullet-soaked serpent in even water
takes a break in the waves
It was, overall, a bad experience smoking pot in those days. I wasn’t enough of a bronze, Southern California surfer hippie to be comfortable in that scene. Too pale and neurotic. At the tail end of it, my friend said to me, raining, on the balcony, “You know, I’m anti-semitic...Oh, I guess that would bother you.” I just wasn’t one of them. Pretty sad and formative. I discovered punk rock soon after and declared myself straight edge.
Cut to around ten years later. Hanging out with my friend in Boston. I knew him in Minneapolis, we lived in the same house, played music together, worked at the same restaurant. He’s a character in my first novel, Dishwasher. He’d become a total pot-head, painted a marijuana leaf on the back of his jacket. Irony was dead in him. “What have you been doing with yourself the past couple of years?” I asked. “I don’t remember,” he replied. We recorded some songs—I played drums and he sang and played songs I wrote. I had just started writing songs, wasn’t comfortable singing on my own. We also took mushrooms, but he started lecturing me about revolution and it got boring.
In his apartment, him and his roommates passed around the bong. J. took a big hit and sucked out all the smoke. “That’s a beautiful hit,” his friend said. The bong came to me. I sucked up barely any of it. They looked embarrassed and kind of annoyed. I failed. I smoked too much pot and was literally convulsing.
Since then, I’ve stayed away from it. It seems to call attention to all the terrible stuff between people, in yourself—all the doubt, all the awkward moments. I realized last night I’ve never smoked pot with people who sincerely like or get me. My wife does. I still felt some of the self-doubt, but it wasn’t so bad—more instructive. I said to myself, yes, you fuck up, everybody does, just do better. I didn’t spend all of my time brooding about my problems, but given my history with smoking pot, this was a major leap forward.
I’ve been reading the book, Sex, Drugs, Einstein, and Elves by Clifford Pickover. In the book there’s a Terence McKenna quote which says something like: too much artificial light is curbing people’s imaginations. Which means I've got to get away from the computer. This is what I thought last night: TV and computer screens are causing people to see in two-dimensions, only the immediate world around them. This is how it is for me. I spend so much time repressing regrettable things from my life that I repress other people’s concerns as well. Last night, I saw in three dimensions, saw life from other people’s eyes. This is just pot, mind you, not LSD or something else. But I took it to heart.
Part of me wanted to write down what I was thinking while I was stoned, and I did write some stuff down, but mostly I just wanted to BE, something I don’t do a whole lot. I’m glad I don’t fear this stuff anymore. Realized how uptight and unhappy I’ve been and seemed for a long while, running away and not relaxing. Weird thing is despite my bad experiences smoking pot, it turns out I’ve got a lot of hippie in me.
Here’s one thing I wrote down, really amusing at the time. I was ripped:
The bullet-soaked serpent in even water
takes a break in the waves
Tired of that last entry being up there. Don’t have time to write something new, but I’ve got a lot to write. Here’s something happier. This weekend we went to the L.A. County Fair where Olivia rode her first roller coaster:
September 22, 2006
End of the Week
On another too-absolutist post by Noah Cicero, an anonymous person wrote a comment leading to a great Ukelele treatment of “While My Guitar Gently Weeps.” I love your drive Noah, but saying untrue stuff just to get a rile out of people is not the way to go. Tao Lin does the same thing, facetious to me. Every woman who’s beat by her man wants it. No. And even if she does out of devout self-hatred, it doesn’t excuse him, even if he's had a terrible life. But that’s obvious.
Reminds me of that song by Smog, “Every girl I’ve ever loved has wanted to be hit. Every girl I’ve ever loved has left me cause I wouldn’t do it.” I remember a story where a guy went onstage and hit Bill Callahan during the song in a fever of political correctness. The song’s got more empathy than the Cicero comment.
I wrote this is in a letter to someone about my previous Cicero post: “He's the real thing. But then some other ideas creep in there. That's what gets to me: someone who's got so much and fucks around with it, gets sloppy. I think there's some jealousy in there too. I wish I still had some of the angry young man I had when I was 25. Since I hit 30 and had a kid, I just can't afford to be that way anymore, and it's really no way to live an entire life. But, ah, the good old days.”
I wrote a comment on the ULA post which could be its own post. It’s been an interesting week of blogging.
Reminds me of that song by Smog, “Every girl I’ve ever loved has wanted to be hit. Every girl I’ve ever loved has left me cause I wouldn’t do it.” I remember a story where a guy went onstage and hit Bill Callahan during the song in a fever of political correctness. The song’s got more empathy than the Cicero comment.
I wrote this is in a letter to someone about my previous Cicero post: “He's the real thing. But then some other ideas creep in there. That's what gets to me: someone who's got so much and fucks around with it, gets sloppy. I think there's some jealousy in there too. I wish I still had some of the angry young man I had when I was 25. Since I hit 30 and had a kid, I just can't afford to be that way anymore, and it's really no way to live an entire life. But, ah, the good old days.”
I wrote a comment on the ULA post which could be its own post. It’s been an interesting week of blogging.
September 21, 2006
Elliot Smith
Recently I went through an Elliot Smith phase. I came late to him. I had records but didn’t play them a lot. I need things to age. He aged too much. A girl said to me, “Elliot Smith killed himself? That’s so nineties!” I wanted to smack her.
I did a reading with him way back, I’m pretty sure. During my book tour in 1997 we went to a college town that was having some sort of festival. I read at the same place he played, just him and a guitar. I saw him afterwards, him and a girl looking sullen and proud. At least I think it happened. It could’ve been a dream, but I almost swear.
One of the things I don’t like so much about Elliot Smith is the sterility of the playing. The session musicians are too good, they need a little Ringo sloppiness. They sound like they're playing for him, not with him. But he plays all that guitar stuff himself. He was a great guitar player:
Same song, with a band:
I did a reading with him way back, I’m pretty sure. During my book tour in 1997 we went to a college town that was having some sort of festival. I read at the same place he played, just him and a guitar. I saw him afterwards, him and a girl looking sullen and proud. At least I think it happened. It could’ve been a dream, but I almost swear.
One of the things I don’t like so much about Elliot Smith is the sterility of the playing. The session musicians are too good, they need a little Ringo sloppiness. They sound like they're playing for him, not with him. But he plays all that guitar stuff himself. He was a great guitar player:
Same song, with a band:
Want Milk
I found a YouTube of the band I lived with when I lived in Minneapolis, Walt Mink. I’ve written about it here. Might sound too muddled to someone who’s never heard it. Me, I can follow everything. I’ve seen this band dozens of times and heard the song more. But you can tell they’re monsters at what they do. Cool to see this stuff again.
(found at Walt Mink the Movie)
September 20, 2006
Tao Cicero
Tao Lin annoys me. There’s no good reason to attack someone like Tao Lin, a writer who doesn’t sell a huge number of books, doesn’t have a lot of power, and so on, but…he annoys me. Noah Cicero does sometimes as well, but for different reasons.
There’s a controversy at Reader of Depressing Books. Tao’s been banned from Pindeldyboz for submitting a previously published story. Here’s something in the comment section:
I get what he’s saying. If the small online lit press was really interested in the story being read, he’d let it be published a 100 places. But he wants “respect” and to be a “good” magazine. And after all—this is a big Taoist thought—respect is an abstract concept. My response, so what. So what the man wants to have a well-respected literary magazine. It may not be about promoting the writing in the way Tao would like, but the litmag is an artistic project—he wants the project to be unique. I think Tao is disingenuous in saying that he does not care about concepts of respect and being good. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t blog, he wouldn’t write, he wouldn’t be happy about being published by Melville house. He’s an opportunist like anyone who wants his unique vision to be respected. If he says he doesn’t care, it’s a fiction.
Noah Cicero says something that also gets under my skin in another provocative post on his blog. He writes: “No one likes John Updike and no one likes classic guitar. it is cool to hear some classic guitar every once and awhile, but to actually like it. Well, it is like violin players, they are just people that want to be construed as intelligent.”
This is bullshit. As if anyone who likes “high brow” stuff does not do it sincerely, only to be self-important. Not true, Noah. He continually derides fiction for being for educated people—like Rick Moody—and then says how Nausea, Dostoyevsky, Mailer are good. Man, those are read primarily by educated people. And there’s nothing wrong with educated people, nothing wrong with books not about people destroying themselves. Basically, Noah Cicero writes too many absolutes.
Thing is, I like both these writers, especially Noah, I like how they give the finger to how things are run. But they’re also nihilists. But half-nihilists. Saying nothing matters on the one hand and espousing good literature on the other. I think they’re both young writers who are going to be around for a very long time who haven’t completely figured out what they’re trying to say. Both of them seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths, which is what gets under my skin—which is really the point of good writing, to get a rise, but there’s something here that irritates me. They’re both bold and honest, much more than most other writing I see out there, but they're also misdirected.
There’s a controversy at Reader of Depressing Books. Tao’s been banned from Pindeldyboz for submitting a previously published story. Here’s something in the comment section:
"I run a literary magazine with the single and simple intention of giving talented writers like yourself a forum to present your work to the masses--" if that was true you would not care about 'first serial rights' by publishing a story you will increase its readership by a certain amount no matter if it was previously published or not so there is something else involved, probably that you want to have a 'good' online literary magazine that people will think is 'good' and by extension will think that you are 'good' and will then 'respect' you and the people associated with your magazine.
I get what he’s saying. If the small online lit press was really interested in the story being read, he’d let it be published a 100 places. But he wants “respect” and to be a “good” magazine. And after all—this is a big Taoist thought—respect is an abstract concept. My response, so what. So what the man wants to have a well-respected literary magazine. It may not be about promoting the writing in the way Tao would like, but the litmag is an artistic project—he wants the project to be unique. I think Tao is disingenuous in saying that he does not care about concepts of respect and being good. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t blog, he wouldn’t write, he wouldn’t be happy about being published by Melville house. He’s an opportunist like anyone who wants his unique vision to be respected. If he says he doesn’t care, it’s a fiction.
Noah Cicero says something that also gets under my skin in another provocative post on his blog. He writes: “No one likes John Updike and no one likes classic guitar. it is cool to hear some classic guitar every once and awhile, but to actually like it. Well, it is like violin players, they are just people that want to be construed as intelligent.”
This is bullshit. As if anyone who likes “high brow” stuff does not do it sincerely, only to be self-important. Not true, Noah. He continually derides fiction for being for educated people—like Rick Moody—and then says how Nausea, Dostoyevsky, Mailer are good. Man, those are read primarily by educated people. And there’s nothing wrong with educated people, nothing wrong with books not about people destroying themselves. Basically, Noah Cicero writes too many absolutes.
Thing is, I like both these writers, especially Noah, I like how they give the finger to how things are run. But they’re also nihilists. But half-nihilists. Saying nothing matters on the one hand and espousing good literature on the other. I think they’re both young writers who are going to be around for a very long time who haven’t completely figured out what they’re trying to say. Both of them seem to talk out of both sides of their mouths, which is what gets under my skin—which is really the point of good writing, to get a rise, but there’s something here that irritates me. They’re both bold and honest, much more than most other writing I see out there, but they're also misdirected.
September 19, 2006
The Mets
Congratulations to the New York Mets, National League East champions. I’ve spent too much time following baseball, especially this perpetually disappointing team. But baseball’s a good distraction from all the shit in the world. Wait, that sounds like a backhanded compliment. I was making fun of my wife the other day who sometimes has to couch things with cynicism, like saying, “Wow, it’s such a beautiful day today…not like most days that suck like hell.”
But I feel like guilty about following something so money-drenched and mostly-stupid as baseball. Even though I like it. In a correspondence with Daniel Pinchbeck he lamented all the “Weapons of Mass Distraction” that tear people away from important things. He’s right. Doesn’t stop me.
There’s something scary about the cheers in this video when the final out is recorded:
(via Metsblog)
But I feel like guilty about following something so money-drenched and mostly-stupid as baseball. Even though I like it. In a correspondence with Daniel Pinchbeck he lamented all the “Weapons of Mass Distraction” that tear people away from important things. He’s right. Doesn’t stop me.
There’s something scary about the cheers in this video when the final out is recorded:
(via Metsblog)
September 18, 2006
A couple things: Tony O’Neill, author of Digging the Vein, is going to be on the radio tomorrow night. Here:
The Riot Lit Collective is online. I was once part of this. Now I’m not. Long story. Check it out:
Site: Riot Lit
The Riot Lit Collective is online. I was once part of this. Now I’m not. Long story. Check it out:
Site: Riot Lit
Had a nicely literate weekend. On Saturday, I took my daughter to the library. Read her some books, got her some books. They were having a book sale on the second floor, everything 50% off. I hadn’t been to any kind of used book store for a long time. I’ve been getting my books from the library, my dad’s library, or used off Amazon. I got a nice copy of Swann’s Way, Remember to Remember by Henry Miller, The Forge of God, by Greg Bear (for 10 cents), some others.
I used to live at used bookstore in NY. East Village Books, don’t know if its still there. The Strand. That one by the Angelica. Nice to go to a used bookstore again, especially in an unliterate place like L.A. I've written half a story about a guy who buys a book at a used bookstore, finds an address of the previous owner written inside, goes to find her, turns out she’s a psychic. Then I don’t know what. I should finish it. The woman’s based on a freaky lady who lived in my apt. building in NY.
On Sunday, we all went to the West Hollywood Book Fair. Much better than I was anticipating. Tents upon tents set up—L.A. based lit presses and bookstores, authors hocking stuff, panel discussions, sort of hyper-serious but still interesting. Talked to Allan MacDonell, the Prisoner of X. Saw Mark Danielewski talk about historical fiction. Missed Whitley Strieber talk about vampires. The face-lifted nightmare from America’s Top Model. Insanely energetic kids’ singers and dancers. Liv loved it all. Got a free copy of Richard Grayson put out by Red Hen Press. A very nice time. Some people read and write books here.
My story, “Camera Shy,” is going to be in an anthology put out by Another Very happy to finally have a home for the story. I like the way they do things. Free for download, pay what you can for the printed version. They put out a great book that I read a few months ago and should have written about earlier.
Mind-opening like reading a book about the new physics. It’s harder to do with fiction and Young pulls it off.
I used to live at used bookstore in NY. East Village Books, don’t know if its still there. The Strand. That one by the Angelica. Nice to go to a used bookstore again, especially in an unliterate place like L.A. I've written half a story about a guy who buys a book at a used bookstore, finds an address of the previous owner written inside, goes to find her, turns out she’s a psychic. Then I don’t know what. I should finish it. The woman’s based on a freaky lady who lived in my apt. building in NY.
On Sunday, we all went to the West Hollywood Book Fair. Much better than I was anticipating. Tents upon tents set up—L.A. based lit presses and bookstores, authors hocking stuff, panel discussions, sort of hyper-serious but still interesting. Talked to Allan MacDonell, the Prisoner of X. Saw Mark Danielewski talk about historical fiction. Missed Whitley Strieber talk about vampires. The face-lifted nightmare from America’s Top Model. Insanely energetic kids’ singers and dancers. Liv loved it all. Got a free copy of Richard Grayson put out by Red Hen Press. A very nice time. Some people read and write books here.
My story, “Camera Shy,” is going to be in an anthology put out by Another Very happy to finally have a home for the story. I like the way they do things. Free for download, pay what you can for the printed version. They put out a great book that I read a few months ago and should have written about earlier.
Mind-opening like reading a book about the new physics. It’s harder to do with fiction and Young pulls it off.
September 15, 2006
Interesting discussion going on at the blog of King Wenclas of the Underground Literary Alliance. People are up in arms that Rick Moody wrote the introduction to a book on Soft Skull, because he’s not underground enough. Instead it was suggested that Thurston Moore or Henry Rollins should write the intro. Hardly underground figures anymore. Rollins in Black Flag: "Swimming in the mainstream is such a lame, lame dream." Broke that promise a long time ago. And Rick Moody? Really that bad? I have one book of his, couldn't finish it. But of all the enemies in the world, Rick Moody is not high on my list. I had a book on Soft Skull. They wouldn’t accept another unless it could be guaranteed to sell 3000 copies. Impossible for me. Soft Skull needs to sell books. Everyone loses integrity when money’s involved. Everyone.
Yes, it’s terrible that media monopolies have taken over publishers. I’m a victim of it. And yes, places like McSweeney’s seem filled with fabulously beautiful and intelligent people who go to parties you’re not invited to—and all write the same. But I still don’t see writing or publishing as dead. If--as Noah Cicero stated recently (can’t find it)--you shouldn't get published by a big house b/c they're run by an evil corporate entity, you might as well quit your job and stop paying taxes. We live in an evil corporate entity.
Me, I'd rather be read than have indie credibility. I have all the indie credibility I need having put out the book myself. Tony O’Neill said it was punk rock of me to get into Entertainment Weekly, even though the book attacks celebrity. I’ll take that. I guess I’m uptight about this because I do want to belong to the mainstream. I don’t give a shit if Rick Moody writes the intro to a Soft Skull book, or writes a quote on the back of my book. I write books attacking the mainstream—celebrity culture, so far—but I also want to be on a major press. I want to be in Barnes & Noble, etc. That doesn’t make me a sell out, unless I change the nature of my writing. But then, the nature of my writing maybe doesn’t need to be changed. My writing is inspired by mainstream sources—50s pulp crime novels, science fiction. Richard Yates is mainstream. Kerouac is mainstream. Etc. Though Chapman makes this good comment:
Still, this could turn into a rigid view of what is underground writing and what is mainstream. As if something has to be experimental to be sufficiently underground. Writing just needs to be a pure expression of the writer—wherever it’s published. There’s crap in the mainstream, crap underground. This whole thing feels like another type of conspiracy theory: just because Rick Moody’s words touched a Soft Skull book, it means underground writing is dead and gone—it’s all part of a media conglomerate. I don't see that. This feels like an intellectual exercise.
I don’t know—talk to me in a couple months when my book has been read and rejected. Right now, I’m hopeful. So far everything I wanted to happen with the book has happened. It’s killed some of my cynicism.
Yes, it’s terrible that media monopolies have taken over publishers. I’m a victim of it. And yes, places like McSweeney’s seem filled with fabulously beautiful and intelligent people who go to parties you’re not invited to—and all write the same. But I still don’t see writing or publishing as dead. If--as Noah Cicero stated recently (can’t find it)--you shouldn't get published by a big house b/c they're run by an evil corporate entity, you might as well quit your job and stop paying taxes. We live in an evil corporate entity.
Me, I'd rather be read than have indie credibility. I have all the indie credibility I need having put out the book myself. Tony O’Neill said it was punk rock of me to get into Entertainment Weekly, even though the book attacks celebrity. I’ll take that. I guess I’m uptight about this because I do want to belong to the mainstream. I don’t give a shit if Rick Moody writes the intro to a Soft Skull book, or writes a quote on the back of my book. I write books attacking the mainstream—celebrity culture, so far—but I also want to be on a major press. I want to be in Barnes & Noble, etc. That doesn’t make me a sell out, unless I change the nature of my writing. But then, the nature of my writing maybe doesn’t need to be changed. My writing is inspired by mainstream sources—50s pulp crime novels, science fiction. Richard Yates is mainstream. Kerouac is mainstream. Etc. Though Chapman makes this good comment:
The shelf of permanent great stuff is at least 50% full of books by outsiders. people who worked alone, without support, for years, for decades, without having first gone to the cocktail parties to get the material help of the then-current power brokers. people like faulkner, joyce, melville, beckett, agee, blake, dickinson, kerouac, lautremont, burroughs, rimbaud, on and on.
Still, this could turn into a rigid view of what is underground writing and what is mainstream. As if something has to be experimental to be sufficiently underground. Writing just needs to be a pure expression of the writer—wherever it’s published. There’s crap in the mainstream, crap underground. This whole thing feels like another type of conspiracy theory: just because Rick Moody’s words touched a Soft Skull book, it means underground writing is dead and gone—it’s all part of a media conglomerate. I don't see that. This feels like an intellectual exercise.
I don’t know—talk to me in a couple months when my book has been read and rejected. Right now, I’m hopeful. So far everything I wanted to happen with the book has happened. It’s killed some of my cynicism.
September 12, 2006
Own Opinions
My wife says I should own my opinions more, and she’s probably right. “Fuckin A, I believe in UFOs.” “Fuckin A 9-11 is suspicious.” I’ve mentioned before that I come from a family of skeptics. Even at 34 years old, they influence my thoughts. Every opinion—about a movie, and especially as something as deep as this—I feel them there, wondering how they’ll react to it. It’s no wonder I believe in conspiracies, I’ve got a strange conspiracy of voices running in my head.
But I also want to be measured about these topics—especially 9-11, where people are grieving. Not that I’m a spokesman for anything, but it’s still important to put it in reasonable terms. It’s the reason I love Daniel Pinchbeck’s writing. He goes far into outerspace, or innerspace, but he also tackles entheogens with a fair amount of sobriety. Alex Jones—head conspiracy theorist of the moment--loses a lot of credibility standing on streetcorners, screaming into a bullhorn, “9-11 was an inside job!” Even if he’s right. Might speak to 18-20 year olds, but he needs to reach people older than that, people who have actual power, and skeptics who never, for a second, would believe in these things.
That said, Terrorstorm is worth watching. As is another movie: The Death of John O’Neill, an interesting depiction of what it feels like when this sort of information overtakes you.
I love Google video, by the way, as might be obvious. It’s the best thing to hit the internet since the internet. Words are one thing, but nothing will spread information faster and more convincingly than images. It almost makes me think it’s why the internet was invented.
But I also want to be measured about these topics—especially 9-11, where people are grieving. Not that I’m a spokesman for anything, but it’s still important to put it in reasonable terms. It’s the reason I love Daniel Pinchbeck’s writing. He goes far into outerspace, or innerspace, but he also tackles entheogens with a fair amount of sobriety. Alex Jones—head conspiracy theorist of the moment--loses a lot of credibility standing on streetcorners, screaming into a bullhorn, “9-11 was an inside job!” Even if he’s right. Might speak to 18-20 year olds, but he needs to reach people older than that, people who have actual power, and skeptics who never, for a second, would believe in these things.
That said, Terrorstorm is worth watching. As is another movie: The Death of John O’Neill, an interesting depiction of what it feels like when this sort of information overtakes you.
I love Google video, by the way, as might be obvious. It’s the best thing to hit the internet since the internet. Words are one thing, but nothing will spread information faster and more convincingly than images. It almost makes me think it’s why the internet was invented.
Press for Truth
Another good documentary about 9-11: 9-11: Press for Truth. It’s more sober, methodical, and so more convincing. It’s not about controlled demolition, tower 7, and the like—it’s about omissions in the 9-11 report and the lack of wide coverage in the mainstream media—with mainstream sources, making it much more credible to skeptics than a speculative documentary like “Loose Change.” It’s important. Watch it.
Sheds new light on a news story from May—The U.S. gave sophisticated arms equipment to Pakistan. At the time, I thought, What? and moved on. They’re currently in a near-nuclear struggle with India. We gave arms to India as well. Our allies today are our enemies tomorrow. We supported bin Laden 20 years ago in Afghanistan. This is not fun stuff, but it must be looked at.
I was fairly careful with my post yesterday. I’m trying to reach skeptics, not believers. The same goes for anything I write about UFOs, alternative energy, psychedelics, and so on. It’s probably not wise to write about 9-11 and UFOs in the same post, because I’ll sound like a quack, but the way to approach each subject is the same: with an open mind. I say over and over, the implications are too important to ignore these issues. What’s reported in the mainstream media has nothing to do with the amount of information that’s available—by reported, I mean investigated, not dropped a day later. It’s likely easier for people to be open about 9-11 because everyone lived through it—though it’s harder too because it’s about 3000 dead, not lights in the sky.
Interestingly, on Kos this morning there’s a diary that brings up the 9-11 truth movement and other stuff usually relegated to conspiracy sites and it wasn’t automatically attacked: Appeasing the Nazis - Bush family history.
Sheds new light on a news story from May—The U.S. gave sophisticated arms equipment to Pakistan. At the time, I thought, What? and moved on. They’re currently in a near-nuclear struggle with India. We gave arms to India as well. Our allies today are our enemies tomorrow. We supported bin Laden 20 years ago in Afghanistan. This is not fun stuff, but it must be looked at.
I was fairly careful with my post yesterday. I’m trying to reach skeptics, not believers. The same goes for anything I write about UFOs, alternative energy, psychedelics, and so on. It’s probably not wise to write about 9-11 and UFOs in the same post, because I’ll sound like a quack, but the way to approach each subject is the same: with an open mind. I say over and over, the implications are too important to ignore these issues. What’s reported in the mainstream media has nothing to do with the amount of information that’s available—by reported, I mean investigated, not dropped a day later. It’s likely easier for people to be open about 9-11 because everyone lived through it—though it’s harder too because it’s about 3000 dead, not lights in the sky.
Interestingly, on Kos this morning there’s a diary that brings up the 9-11 truth movement and other stuff usually relegated to conspiracy sites and it wasn’t automatically attacked: Appeasing the Nazis - Bush family history.
September 11, 2006
Maybe not the best day to post this. But I’ve been avoiding posting it for weeks. Possibly because I’m a coward. For a long time I avoided 9-11 conspiracy theories. I’m open-minded but it’s just too depressing to believe to be true, so I avoided it. Recently, I started looking into it. There’s a lot of convincing information put together by credible people--enough that it shouldn’t be thrown out immediately. If people don’t want to believe this, it's understandable. But accepting anything unquestioningly, especially from this administration, doesn’t make any sense.
I don’t have a problem with people not believing in fringe ideas—just not investigating them, not even entertaining the possibility. The implications of this are too huge to write off. If you read up on it and still aren’t convinced, then fine. At least you’ve done some work. 911 Blogger is an epicenter. At the very least watch Loose Change. In a recent interview with the filmmaker, he said, “We know there are errors in the documentary, and we've actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves.” Which is completely fucking retarded. But there’s still enough in there that will make you think. Sites like 911 aren’t much more conclusive—their debunking has as many questions as the conspiracy theory.
The Pentagon video shows just a flash of light, no plane. The collapse of building 7 is the other big one. No building had ever collapsed due to fire. These are enough to consider alternate theories. Major strikes against: people who are capable of planning 9-11 are also capable of planting WMDs in Iraq. They had to bend over backwards to prove their case for the War in Iraq. It would have been easier if the hijackers were Iraqi instead of Saudi. I am not 100% convinced—of anything. But it has to be debated.
The left’s attitude towards this topic is puzzling. The Daily Kos FAQs include this:
At Kos, there is no end to the vitriol spewed against George Bush—calling him a war criminal, and more. For instance: “This amounts to cold-blooded mass murder willfully committed in the name of politics by men so beneath the standards of civilization as to constitute a whole new species of soulless sub-creature.” George Bush is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq. He has ruined a country. The Iraq War is a conspiracy, based on false pretenses, planned before 9-11. Bush was negligent during Katrina. Yet, somehow, planning 9-11 is beneath him. The political left is accepting a story put forth by the right wing. It’s a strange disconnect.
I understand why Kos censors 9-11 truth talk. Kos is a politician. He can’t be aligned with the fringe or he won’t be taken seriously. Still, the censorship is wrong. Especially when combined with his censorship about election fraud in 2004. Veers off into being mysterious.
I watched the French fireman documentary last night. I had never seen it before. I didn’t want to hear the sound of people crashing to the ground. The Proby says, towards the end, it’s not just how you respond to the tragedy, it’s how you interpret it. I was in NY on 9-11. Saw the first plane struggling in the sky, heard the boom, saw the second plane hit, had to go uptown to Penn station to pick up my girlfriend, now wife, in the last free cab in New York. I picked her up, terrified Penn station would be hit. We could only get a cab downtown as far as Gramercy Park. From uptown, it looked like our neighborhood—Chinatown—was buried in smoke and rubble. Maybe an overreaction, but I left S. and ran downtown to our apartment, thinking our dog could be suffocating. Got there, she was OK. Called my parents who hadn’t heard from me in hours and didn’t know where I was. We stayed uptown with my parents’ friend. The smell reached far uptown. People don’t talk about it much but that night there was a huge rainstorm—booming thunder which kept me up all night, thinking it was another explosion. But it was like the sky was putting out the fires, washing away the dust.
The day broke something open in me. After that, I got very interested in fringe subjects. Not that I wasn’t before, but not nearly to the same degree. Someone said to me recently that the 9-11 truth movement is a coping mechanism. Possibly, and especially if it’s true.
The topic is slowly coming into the mainstream. Something like 35% of people don’t believe the official story. That’s a lot of people. This a day to remember how powerfully awful it was, but I had to get this out of me.
I don’t have a problem with people not believing in fringe ideas—just not investigating them, not even entertaining the possibility. The implications of this are too huge to write off. If you read up on it and still aren’t convinced, then fine. At least you’ve done some work. 911 Blogger is an epicenter. At the very least watch Loose Change. In a recent interview with the filmmaker, he said, “We know there are errors in the documentary, and we've actually left them in there so that people discredit us and do the research for themselves.” Which is completely fucking retarded. But there’s still enough in there that will make you think. Sites like 911 aren’t much more conclusive—their debunking has as many questions as the conspiracy theory.
The Pentagon video shows just a flash of light, no plane. The collapse of building 7 is the other big one. No building had ever collapsed due to fire. These are enough to consider alternate theories. Major strikes against: people who are capable of planning 9-11 are also capable of planting WMDs in Iraq. They had to bend over backwards to prove their case for the War in Iraq. It would have been easier if the hijackers were Iraqi instead of Saudi. I am not 100% convinced—of anything. But it has to be debated.
The left’s attitude towards this topic is puzzling. The Daily Kos FAQs include this:
DailyKos accepts that the 9/11 attacks were perpetrated by agents of Al-Qaeda. It is forbidden to write diaries that:
1. refer to claims that American, British, Israeli, or any government assisted in the attacks
2. refer to claims that the airplanes that crashed into the WTC and Pentagon were not the cause of the damage to those buildings or their subsequent collapse
Authoring or recommending these diaries may result in banning from Daily Kos.
At Kos, there is no end to the vitriol spewed against George Bush—calling him a war criminal, and more. For instance: “This amounts to cold-blooded mass murder willfully committed in the name of politics by men so beneath the standards of civilization as to constitute a whole new species of soulless sub-creature.” George Bush is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths in Iraq. He has ruined a country. The Iraq War is a conspiracy, based on false pretenses, planned before 9-11. Bush was negligent during Katrina. Yet, somehow, planning 9-11 is beneath him. The political left is accepting a story put forth by the right wing. It’s a strange disconnect.
I understand why Kos censors 9-11 truth talk. Kos is a politician. He can’t be aligned with the fringe or he won’t be taken seriously. Still, the censorship is wrong. Especially when combined with his censorship about election fraud in 2004. Veers off into being mysterious.
I watched the French fireman documentary last night. I had never seen it before. I didn’t want to hear the sound of people crashing to the ground. The Proby says, towards the end, it’s not just how you respond to the tragedy, it’s how you interpret it. I was in NY on 9-11. Saw the first plane struggling in the sky, heard the boom, saw the second plane hit, had to go uptown to Penn station to pick up my girlfriend, now wife, in the last free cab in New York. I picked her up, terrified Penn station would be hit. We could only get a cab downtown as far as Gramercy Park. From uptown, it looked like our neighborhood—Chinatown—was buried in smoke and rubble. Maybe an overreaction, but I left S. and ran downtown to our apartment, thinking our dog could be suffocating. Got there, she was OK. Called my parents who hadn’t heard from me in hours and didn’t know where I was. We stayed uptown with my parents’ friend. The smell reached far uptown. People don’t talk about it much but that night there was a huge rainstorm—booming thunder which kept me up all night, thinking it was another explosion. But it was like the sky was putting out the fires, washing away the dust.
The day broke something open in me. After that, I got very interested in fringe subjects. Not that I wasn’t before, but not nearly to the same degree. Someone said to me recently that the 9-11 truth movement is a coping mechanism. Possibly, and especially if it’s true.
The topic is slowly coming into the mainstream. Something like 35% of people don’t believe the official story. That’s a lot of people. This a day to remember how powerfully awful it was, but I had to get this out of me.
September 8, 2006
Zero Point
On the free energy front, here’s a documentary about zero point energy. Has a lot of inventor speak that went over my head, but still interesting. Why is it we live in a world where world-saving ideas and inventions are suppressed? Tesla’s laboratory was burned down—doesn’t seem like an accident. Someone like Bill Gates should be funding these projects—health care and education are important, but saving the planet might be more so. The documentary’s two hours long—I watched it all, because I am a nerd.
By the way, I have gout. Not the worst-of-it kind, or I wouldn’t be able to write, but a pain. I recently got some detox tea, which detoxed everything into my toe. This is how my body works. I haven’t been really bad off since I lived in New York. Back then, I was stupid and didn’t know any better and kept eating things that would hurt me more. Can’t eat meat. Easy enough, but you also can’t eat soy, beans, grains, mushrooms, spinach, and a lot of other things. Sad trips shuffling to the pharmacy, three inches at a time, to get some medication. A 25-year-old shouldn’t have to use a cane.
Now I have to make the painful walk to pick up my daughter at preschool. Not so bad, really, I can make it, and this preschool is a great place. She’s been coming home with new artwork, stories to tell. It’s like she’s going to kindergarten a year early. She was confined by her last daycare place, just as we were. We didn’t realize just how much.
I don’t know why I haven’t written more about her. Getting that agent has freed me up a bit. I used to be more obsessed about establishing myself, and this blog was part of it. A little less intense about that now. They booed the paparazzi at the screening of “The Queen.” Someone should publish North of Sunset.
Speaking of children, here’s some weirdness from the Prisoner of X camp.
September 7, 2006
Young Man
More Neil Young, younger. Man, his guitar sounds good. And he hits Cobain-esque notes. Wish I could. Always figured Linda Ronstadt or someone else sang those parts. This is rock godlike. Been playing it over and over. Play it.
Holy Jesus, weirdest William Burroughs footage ever made. Possibly the weirdest thing on Youtube. Not safe for home.
Bonus: Neil Young and Devo playing “Hey Hey, My My.” Why do these things happen, and why haven’t I seen them before?
More Left
Why the intellectual left annoys me almost as much as the idiot right. (I’m two months late on this, but whatever: I wrote this and never posted it.) In the July Harper’s, there’s a review of the new Timothy Leary biography. The review ends like this:
Is it me or does this read like it could have been written by Bill Bennet? Read that again and imagine it in the National Review.
I do think Leary fucked up. Consciousness-exploring is important but he made it look like a circus. Made LSD look like a game to be played, a fad, rather than something that should be explored—soberly and intelligently—like Huxley did. It did the same thing that tabloids have done for UFOs—made it seem ridiculous. Still, Leary is not worthless.
Luc Sante’s take isn’t much better: “In part because of Leary, however, ideals and delusions were encouraged to interbreed, their living progeny being avid consumerism and toothless dissent.”
He whittles down all of Leary’s ideas to that of “delusion.” I don’t mean to defend Leary so much as this kind of thinking—that reaching beyond what we can see, however flawed the process, is fruitless in the face of rational thinking. If anything, I think this kind of thinking will inspire consumerism: why look any deeper, there’s nothing there. Consumerism has less to do with the failure of the sixties and more to do with the anesthetizing influence of television. But that’s a whole other discussion.
Leary was a major ego but you have to respect his drive. You don’t just look at someone’s actions, but their will. Have we had anyone who touches that in American culture in years? John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Warhol, Jim Morrison, MLK, JFK, etc. That’s why people might hate the sixties. Because we suck compared to it. We’re still living in the era of Nixon, yet without the dissent. That’s not a result of the sixties, that’s a result of there not being enough Learys in our culture.
In a sort of similar vein, there was a recent article on a possible free energy discovery in Ireland. I thought, cool. I went to Daily Kos, which I’ve been doing too much of lately, and found this post:
World Saved! Pigs Fly! Film at 11.
Reads like it could have been written by an oil company executive. Nothing to see here, move on. I like the Shaw quote put forth by the Ireland company: ”All great truths begin as blasphemies.” It’s fairly retarded to claim something like this to be impossible. There’s no limit to what we don’t know. We could channel energy from the ninth dimension, who knows? Liberal, rational thinking is a way to preserve the status quo. Basically, everyone’s too conservative, just in different ways.
One of the reasons America hates the sixties may be because so many of its performance artists, like Jerry Rubin and Hunter Thompson, were such tiresome clowns, showing off instead of hunkering down. About Leary another drunk, Jack Kerouac, is quoted here, with maybe the smartest thing he ever said: “Coach Leary, walking on water wasn’t built in a day.”
Is it me or does this read like it could have been written by Bill Bennet? Read that again and imagine it in the National Review.
I do think Leary fucked up. Consciousness-exploring is important but he made it look like a circus. Made LSD look like a game to be played, a fad, rather than something that should be explored—soberly and intelligently—like Huxley did. It did the same thing that tabloids have done for UFOs—made it seem ridiculous. Still, Leary is not worthless.
Luc Sante’s take isn’t much better: “In part because of Leary, however, ideals and delusions were encouraged to interbreed, their living progeny being avid consumerism and toothless dissent.”
He whittles down all of Leary’s ideas to that of “delusion.” I don’t mean to defend Leary so much as this kind of thinking—that reaching beyond what we can see, however flawed the process, is fruitless in the face of rational thinking. If anything, I think this kind of thinking will inspire consumerism: why look any deeper, there’s nothing there. Consumerism has less to do with the failure of the sixties and more to do with the anesthetizing influence of television. But that’s a whole other discussion.
Leary was a major ego but you have to respect his drive. You don’t just look at someone’s actions, but their will. Have we had anyone who touches that in American culture in years? John Lennon, Jimi Hendrix, Warhol, Jim Morrison, MLK, JFK, etc. That’s why people might hate the sixties. Because we suck compared to it. We’re still living in the era of Nixon, yet without the dissent. That’s not a result of the sixties, that’s a result of there not being enough Learys in our culture.
In a sort of similar vein, there was a recent article on a possible free energy discovery in Ireland. I thought, cool. I went to Daily Kos, which I’ve been doing too much of lately, and found this post:
World Saved! Pigs Fly! Film at 11.
No, the sum of these claims is a collapse of physics as we know it and a complete overturning of the world order. Unfortunately, the sum - and the parts - are also completely unbelievable.
Reads like it could have been written by an oil company executive. Nothing to see here, move on. I like the Shaw quote put forth by the Ireland company: ”All great truths begin as blasphemies.” It’s fairly retarded to claim something like this to be impossible. There’s no limit to what we don’t know. We could channel energy from the ninth dimension, who knows? Liberal, rational thinking is a way to preserve the status quo. Basically, everyone’s too conservative, just in different ways.
Thanks to Notorious Radio for featuring me on their podcast, the song “Kill are We.” Click here to hear it:
Here’s their Myspace page.
Here’s their Myspace page.
September 6, 2006
Angie's Delight
Really Back
My girl’s at her first day of preschool today. I hope posts like the last one don’t show that I’m only frustrated by her. Not so at all. Read some Grace Paley or something. Frustration comes with parenting. People who don’t have kids, or who are pregnant, might not get that—I know, I was there. She’s beautiful, smart, good-hearted, talented, everything you could want. Just hard to do my job and take care of her at the same time. Love this new preschool she’s going to. And my wife’s taking her in the morning. For the past two years, I’ve been taking O. to daycare. Now I’ll be picking her up at 4. Small changes mean a lot. Means I’ll be able to hit writing ground running after my first cup of coffee, which is when I work best.
Bought strings for my guitar this weekend. I’ve been missing the low E for two months. That’s not right. At the music store—West L.A. Music where I spent a lot of teenage time—I played drums for the first time in 4 years. An electronic drum set, sounded just fine—a Zeppelin setting, Ringo setting, techno setting. I want that drum set. My dream: a house or apartment with an office, backyard, pets, a studio with a 16 track and electronic drum set in the office, healthier food, a vacation now and again, more time to write. Not a crazy expensive dream.
My dad’s working on something—he’s a writer, you know—that touches on Ufology, except he has no respect for the subject. I probably shouldn’t write that because he reads this and it will be worth a phone call. But if I’m ever going to get rolling with this blog again, I’ve got to write about the stuff that’s happening. Always discouraging talking to my family about the subject. It’s not that people don’t believe, it’s that they don’t want to believe.
Sundays we go to my parents house where the two cousins get together. I was anti-social and rude. Stayed inside watching Spike Lee’s Katrina documentary. A relaxing Sunday. Right now our apartment looks like we just moved in. Crap and boxes everywhere. My wife is in the process of detoxing the apartment, fall cleaning. My life is basically uninteresting. Needs to change, and will. I live in a perpetual state of, Things will be different. Ala Fidel Castro, as I learned in a good “American Experience” documentary last night. I am my own dictator.
I am having reader’s block. Every book I pick up lasts around five pages. I can’t read fiction right now. The small, personal stories of fiction just seem self-obsessed, avoiding reality, wallowing in bad behavior, not hitting me where I need it. Actually, I shouldn’t say that entirely. I just finished Christopher Meeks’ Middle Aged Man and the Sea—my cohort in the recent Entertainment Weekly piece, we traded books. Enjoyed it. A lot of good lines: “I take the bouquet of flowers from behind my back and enter our condo. The air feels stale, stiff, like a forgotten closet.” (from “He’s Home”) Since then, fiction hasn’t been working. Non-fiction not doing much better, currently. I hate when I don’t have a book to read.
What else? Not much. Time to get back into the swing of writing here.
Bought strings for my guitar this weekend. I’ve been missing the low E for two months. That’s not right. At the music store—West L.A. Music where I spent a lot of teenage time—I played drums for the first time in 4 years. An electronic drum set, sounded just fine—a Zeppelin setting, Ringo setting, techno setting. I want that drum set. My dream: a house or apartment with an office, backyard, pets, a studio with a 16 track and electronic drum set in the office, healthier food, a vacation now and again, more time to write. Not a crazy expensive dream.
My dad’s working on something—he’s a writer, you know—that touches on Ufology, except he has no respect for the subject. I probably shouldn’t write that because he reads this and it will be worth a phone call. But if I’m ever going to get rolling with this blog again, I’ve got to write about the stuff that’s happening. Always discouraging talking to my family about the subject. It’s not that people don’t believe, it’s that they don’t want to believe.
Sundays we go to my parents house where the two cousins get together. I was anti-social and rude. Stayed inside watching Spike Lee’s Katrina documentary. A relaxing Sunday. Right now our apartment looks like we just moved in. Crap and boxes everywhere. My wife is in the process of detoxing the apartment, fall cleaning. My life is basically uninteresting. Needs to change, and will. I live in a perpetual state of, Things will be different. Ala Fidel Castro, as I learned in a good “American Experience” documentary last night. I am my own dictator.
I am having reader’s block. Every book I pick up lasts around five pages. I can’t read fiction right now. The small, personal stories of fiction just seem self-obsessed, avoiding reality, wallowing in bad behavior, not hitting me where I need it. Actually, I shouldn’t say that entirely. I just finished Christopher Meeks’ Middle Aged Man and the Sea—my cohort in the recent Entertainment Weekly piece, we traded books. Enjoyed it. A lot of good lines: “I take the bouquet of flowers from behind my back and enter our condo. The air feels stale, stiff, like a forgotten closet.” (from “He’s Home”) Since then, fiction hasn’t been working. Non-fiction not doing much better, currently. I hate when I don’t have a book to read.
What else? Not much. Time to get back into the swing of writing here.
September 1, 2006
Back and to the Left
It’s done. Just submitted my work for the week. Spent the week working in the mornings while—I’ll admit it—my daughter was parked in front of the TV. Last one of these vacations for a while.
All told, not such a restful week. Especially when at night I watched shows like this one:
…about the top seven ways the world could end—black hole, nuclear war, exploding star, asteroid... The top one is global warming. Surprisingly liberal for ABC news—a station that is going to have a mini-series about 9-11 that puts the blame on Clinton. There was also a news special about the Kennedy assassination that said there was “no truth” to claims of a conspiracy. There are enough questions that you can’t say it’s true either way. I like Peter Jennings, but that wasn’t a good moment.
One expert said that global warming denial is akin to Holocaust denial, or to the big-tobacco experts who said under oath that cigarettes were healthy and non-habit forming. A reminder that despite the state of the world, we live in a paradise. It could be Katrina all the time, everywhere. Kurt Vonnegut says the same thing:
Hooray! What can you do? Enjoy your life, try not to suck, write a book trying to make sense of it.
All told, not such a restful week. Especially when at night I watched shows like this one:
…about the top seven ways the world could end—black hole, nuclear war, exploding star, asteroid... The top one is global warming. Surprisingly liberal for ABC news—a station that is going to have a mini-series about 9-11 that puts the blame on Clinton. There was also a news special about the Kennedy assassination that said there was “no truth” to claims of a conspiracy. There are enough questions that you can’t say it’s true either way. I like Peter Jennings, but that wasn’t a good moment.
One expert said that global warming denial is akin to Holocaust denial, or to the big-tobacco experts who said under oath that cigarettes were healthy and non-habit forming. A reminder that despite the state of the world, we live in a paradise. It could be Katrina all the time, everywhere. Kurt Vonnegut says the same thing:
“I pressed him to expand, wondering if he had any advice for young people who want to join the increasingly vocal environmental movement. ‘There is nothing they can do,’ he bleakly answered. ‘It's over, my friend. The game is lost.’”(via Post-Atomic)
Hooray! What can you do? Enjoy your life, try not to suck, write a book trying to make sense of it.
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