All right, this fucking rules. The French edition of my novel is now up on the Hachette Littératures site. They didn’t like either English title (The Golden Calf, Oscar Caliber Gun) so they came up with something else. I don’t know what it means. I put it through the Google translation engine and it came up with "I am good side," which I’m figuring is something like "I’m from the Good Side"--it comes from Ray’s stalker letters to the celebrity Tim Griffith. I’m going to go contact my translator.
That cover looks great. I had no idea Tim Griffith had his own star.
Stupid French don't know how to spell your name (from the Hachette site):
Henri Baum
Henry Baum est né en 1972 à New York et a grandi à Los Angeles, Californie, où il réside actuellement. Il a enregistré un album de rock en 2001, Living Room. Je suis du bon côté est son premier roman.
Google translated this:
« Si vous lisez ceci, c’est que vous savez qui je suis et j’aurai atteint mon but. Je veux révéler au monde entier que Tim Griffith n’est pas celui qu’on croit. Des millions de gens adorent cet homme. Mais il ne comprend pas la vie de ses adorateurs. Et il continue de tourner des films pour faire croître leur nombre. Il fallait stopper la progression de Tim Griffith. Il fallait donner un exemple. » Ray, 28 ans, n’est personne. C’est pour cela qu’il en veut à la terre entière. Et sa haine va grandir et se focaliser sur Hollywood et l’un de ses suppôts : la star Tim Griffith. Pour sauver le monde de la dépravation, Ray décide de rendre justice. Une noble cause qu’il servira au nom de ses semblables, les gens ordinaires.
as this:
"If you read this, it is that you know whom I am and I will have achieved my goal. I want to reveal in the whole world that Tim Griffith is not that which one believes. Million people adores this man. But it does not include/understand the life of its admirers. And it continues to turn of films to make grow their number. It was necessary to stop the progression of Tim Griffith. It was necessary to give an example "Ray, 28 years, is not nobody. It is for that that he wants some with the whole ground. And its hatred will grow and be focused on Hollywood and one of its henchmen: the star Tim Griffith. To save the world of the depravity, Ray decides to return justice. A noble cause which it will serve in the name of its similar, ordinary people.
C'est grand. Félicitations!
Translator sez: "The title is I’m on the Good Side, from where it says 'I'm not the annoying guy at the party who asks you what's your favorite color. I'm not the lunatic. I'm on the good side. If this life is about good versus evil, I am definitely on the good side.'
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