January 24, 2005

Olivia Frances


My favorite picture of my daughter, from her second birthday. I know I’m just asking for comments like, "Oh, she’s so cute!" but really, isn’t she the most hauntingly beautiful human child you have ever seen?

She’s off from daycare this week--something called Winter Vacation--so I won’t be able to do much blogging. A warning to those addicts, such as myself. It will be good to take a step back, as I’ve been getting very entwined in this site--checking referrers, hits, comments. I feel a little spark when I see someone has stopped by and then I want to feel that spark again. I never thought I had an addictive personality, but I was wrong. Time to be a good father and take my daughter to the park.


tequilita said...

she is precious.

Charlie said...

My wife's unfiltered, unprompted response to this picture: "Oh my God. She's so beautiful."

Now, my wife's got baby on the brain, but that's a strong reaction even for her.

Jenny Davidson said...

She is ridiculously adorable!

I read with great sympathy your novel-writer's post below. Hang in there, OK? Keep on writing... you never know, things might come good in the end & you'll get fame and fortune too, but meanwhile you have the satisfaction (frustrating as it is at times) of making good things...

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