January 20, 2005


The date arrives. Some fucker is doing something today. It won’t be very hard to not turn on the TV.


Henry Baum said...

Commenting to myself, but so it is. I felt profoundly fucking depressed today. I hadn’t felt that way since around the election. I didn’t think the inauguration would strike me like this. I haven’t even watched a minute of news. It’s sort of like my thirtieth birthday. I thought it would be fine until the actual day arrived and it felt like an ominous end to something. I felt a certain deadening of hope today. The hope will come back in time, but that’s how I felt.

Joseph K said...

I know how you feel, man. I look at it this way: today is yesterday, and tomorrow is still tomorrow. I know that doesn't make any sense, but by being incoherent in my thoughts and perspectives, it doesn't sting quite as bad.

Joseph K said...

I know how you feel, man. I look at it this way: today is yesterday, and tomorrow is still tomorrow. I know that doesn't make any sense, but by being incoherent in my thoughts and perspectives, it doesn't sting quite as bad.

Joseph K said...

Sorry for the double post. My computer has been acting up all day. Same thing happened on my site as well. Ugh.

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