April 28, 2005

Leonard Lopate

Something else to listen to, especially for those people who don’t live in New York City. When I lived in NYC, I used to listen to the Leonard Lopate show religiously, every day at 12 noon. He interviews all sorts of hyper-intelligent people--he’s an artist at it. Check the archives. Back then I thought if I’m ever interviewed by Leonard Lopate I’ll have made it as a writer. Still haven’t yet. L.A. public radio sucks miserably, so I still listen to the show, though not as much as I once did. I used to aspire to it like the "New Yorker" which I now realize has nothing to do with me--except to make me jealous. It’s still comforting to hear smart people talk.


Dinah said...

Leonard Lopate -is- great, and I too dream of a day when I get published and interviewed by him. Unlike most interviewers, he takes a genuine interest in the people he's talking with. You get the feeling that you're listening to two old frieds catch up. Yay Leonard :)

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